You’re cordially invited to PAUSE with us

Inner AI* Meditation-Liberation Drop-in

Tap into your Inner Authentic Inspiration and be animated anew with infinitely-sourced creativity,
compassion, courage, Humility, Grace, Love and Joy.

(Free & commerce-free gathering)

Tues Nov 14, 12pm Pacific

30-min Zoom

+Optional after-party sharing

While there’s so much talk about “outer” AI (understandably so), there’s another “AI” that feels imperative for our attention. How well are we tapping into our Inner Authentic Inspiration* to help us feel better, lead better and create a future we are delighted to pay forward? The outer results of AI depend primarily on our inner orientation and response ability, hmm?

*Inner Authentic Inspiration = our infinitely-sourced, deeper well of wisdom, compassion, curiosity, joy, play, innovation and unconditional L.O.V.E. (Limitless Open Vitality Emerging).

No matter how long we’ve been meditating and working on ourselves, we all have some level of subconscious, fear-driven programming and cultural paradigm pressures still trying to run us. We’re bombarded by weapons of mass distraction daily. :-)

What happens at the Zoom gathering?

Come unplug from the trying treadmill, drop in and hang out with kindred spirits in the “VIP lounge”—Vast Infinite Presence. Experience a new inner shift technology inside our human operating system. This is a pattern-interrupt practice to truly change the norm of stimulus-react into inspired response-agility. We’ll “access” radically different energy from our default mindset and inherited, insidious “false programming” (from in utero, childhood, cultural norms, addictive algorithims, etc.) masquerading as our adult thoughts.

With the power of this way of pausing together, we get to amplify being freed from limited, left-brain-dominant, seeker-achiever thinking and normal human conditioning to activating our liberated mind, connected heart, synchronized spirit, and open embodiment --operationalized in a new paradigm of inspired, effective flow.

So, would you like to PAUSE with us and refresh coming from a very different fuel? Come as you are— newer to meditation or long-time practice fellow, feeling joyfully-resourceful or having a challenging day. We’ll hold it all in a welcoming field of Grace and each emerge rebooted.

Inner AI Meditation/Inspiration

Tues, Nov 14, 12 Noon Pacific, 30-min Zoom, optional after-party
(Free & commerce-free gathering)

What if our most important question about AI is not “What is it going to do to us or for us?”

but, rather

“What inner energy am I coming from?”

Effectively pausing in our wise, caring, creative lifeforce, and tuning in to our best self’s Authentic Inspiration may be our most important job!

Imagine this Authentic Inspiration mined and mobilized in a tipping point of willing leaders curious about the inner root cause (and pause!) of awakening humanity for better lives, better business and beyond. You might receive inner Authentic Inspiration encouragement like, “You have no idea what’s possible…and the next right step for you is…”

Please feel free to reach out with questions or thoughts. Write “Inner AI” in subject line.


We look forward to pausing with you soon.


Who is hosting this Inner AI Pause gathering and why?


Power without Love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. 

The time is always right to do the right thing. 

You don't have to see the whole staircase... just take the first step.

- Martin Luther King Jr.

We pause & tune in to Authentic Inspiration so we get to:

- Respond well- not be sucked into the cacophony of frantic fear or foolish naievty, avoidance, et al.
RESPOND=Realize Essence Source Power Opening New Doorways/Decisions/Destinies :-)

- Be part of a consciousness coming from Grace & genuine prosperity more than greed & speed.

- Be a healthy Yes and effective No to the kind of commerce & civilization we want to pay for and pay forward.

- Fuel waking up to our greater JOY.


Addressing what's happening inside of you is the only way to truly transform what you experience on the outside.
- The Hendricks Institute 

Top banner, MLK & Wonder Woman, bottom image created with Open