Claim Your “Wake Up to the Life You’re Meant to Lead” Call

Let’s discover the One Question that could change everything for YOU.


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Other ways to gain new MLA fuel, make friends & meet Marian


30min Guided Meditation Gatherings, Zoom
Tap into your deeper well of peace & potential, taste the power of pausing together, tune in for your authentic inspiration, liberate your awesome flow!

Day XXX at Time XXX PST. Optional after party
(specific calendar date confirmed when you register?)


Everything in the MLA is a new paradigm “MLA Way” vs. typical norms, including how and why we meditate. Come as you are, wherever you are in your practice- newbie or long-time meditator, and discover more liberation into your best self in a new “Don’t Try to Lead With Your Mind Full” approach. We blend the best of neuroscience, body efficiency and true spirit wisdom to fuel your flow. Ancient mystic meets modern growth edges in relevant business contexts. Gain the gift of our shared energy field (vs. just solo practice) to boost your resilience, relationship communication & collaboration and smart choices for what matters most. Drop in to a very different kind of “morning juice” or evening “happy hour” and drink in a new inner technology power-shift PAUSE:

  • Presence Allowing Unconditional Source Emergence

  • the Power of Activating Unlimited Success, Embodied.

  • PUB: Potential Unleashed for Better lives-business-world-future

    This will help unleash the amazing potential in you— both calm you down and lift you up to be more INspired and in more effective response-agility with everything you deal with each day.

    See you soon. :-) 

MLA Masterclass

60-90min Zoom teaching & chance of coaching with Marian, group support for your healthier, happier, sustainable success; Inner alchemy & outer abundance.

Day X at X:00pm PST

(specific calendar date confirmed when you register?)


You are invited to an eye-opening learning lab to help you wake up to your “true inheritance” of living a joy-fueled life and radically empower your unique leader-shift on many levels. Each class will begin to equip you with different keys to a new kind of freedom flowing in and through you like never before. While the philosophies of the MLA can be poetic, the tools are very pragmatic, applicable and actionable for your needs and goals as a bright leader in today’s uncertainties and growth edges. What they don’t teach you in an MBA (or typical leadership coaching or hardly anywhere else) is what it really takes to break free from your insidious conditioning & inherited culture norms which becomes an extremely clever con. After 27 years immersed in working with complex human beings like you, I finally see the light :-). This MLA is code-breaking, reverse-engineering— Deeper than “inner game” and higher than “accomplishing your dream.” This is not easy. And it’s totally possible and worth it! Are you willing to be willing? I’ve tasted and witnessed miraculous shifts in myself and early MLA clients. We’ll be untangling our programmed ways of adapting & achieving to unlock the version of you that gets to love your life, share your gifts, make a difference, make plenty of money, play well with others, and positively contribute to our flourishing future. Bring your heart’s desires, curiosities or challenges. You may get a chance to be in the new champion seat, with individual attention from Marian and fueled by the whole group.

See you there! :-) 

We look forward to connecting with you!

Receive the support you need and inspire others with your unique Presence.

We can do this. Together. Lone rangers no more. Right tribe smart fuel and a taste of transformational inner alchemy-outer abundance mastery.

See you soon!


Come get equipped with a whole new groove.

May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back. - Rainer Maria Rilke