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IT’s time for a whole new conversation + a champion circle just right for YOU.
Let’s equip you with the new keys that will finally mine & mobilize your greatest joy, impact & prosperity.
We are on a mission to fuel a paradigm shift for healthier, happier, sustainable success with game-changing tools to activate the inspired best potential in YOU, your people and our new future. We gather to equip you individually and rise together to energize a new kind of joy-fueled movement— a great LeaderSHIFT to revolutionize how we define and develop leadership for better lives, better business & a better world we get to pay forward. It is possible. And it’s time.
You are not here by accident.
Invitation from MLA Founder, Marian Baker, named one of 50 top executive coaches in America, award-winning author, speaker at Google, Kellogg, University of Chicago, Conscious Business Network & more.
Welcome to the Mastery of Leadership Arts playground and your new way forward. The new center of inspired leadership is not a building, campus or just a curriculum. The true center of MLA inspired leadership is inside of you; in your heart of hearts, wanting to be activated with a very different kind of fuel, support and mastery. Why are YOU really here now? What would you love to help you flourish?
The MLA will help you break free…
out of trying to achieve success driven by inherited norms and teach you a whole new way to soar. You’re also invited to bring your wisdom, gifts, points of view and challenges for us to all wake up and step up together. Come join us, dare to claim your true destiny with…
- The New MLA School Year-Long Champion Circle: 12 months, 12 “knights of a new paradigm round table.” Women, men, millennial to modern elders in a code-breaking cohort. Alchemical teaching, tools, tribe & transformation that will change your life, if you are willing. :-)
- One-on-one VIP “Yoda” teaching/coaching
- PAUSE PUB Resource hub, new conversations, Masterclasses, Meditation beyond the usual & more.
“There are a lot of leadership programs or coaches out there. The MLA is a different category.”
"Marian is incredibly gifted at helping people unlock potential, with the mind of a CEO and the nature of a yogi."
What’s different about the MLA?
Let’s say an MBA symbolizes teaching you to be effective with strategic & tactical problem solving, trying to get better at “winning the game,” (infused with subconscious, scarcity-driven programming in a patriarchal game that’s not fully healthy-sustainable-good for us anyway).
The MLA is about a profound shift to liberate your powerful inner essence and outer effectiveness to change the game.
We’re not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. You get to keep what works and wake up beyond inherited old stories & insidious strategies that won’t take us into our new future or help you thrive now.
You’ll feel a new sense of, Oooh, I get to be the Real me, enjoy a playground of learning & growth and be part of turning our paradigm of leadership around! None of this comes from trying harder to be a good girl or boy. Way more “letting go” actually creates way better results.
With gratitude for more than 10,000 hours of client sessions teaching me, (plus always researching new tools/studying with other teachers), I have a delicious obsession for what it really takes to unleash human potential and realize all the outer outcomes you desire.
You’ll gain…
Releasing the grip on toys & tools that no longer serve the greatest possibilities. Clear obstacles. See what’s really in the way, deeper than the usual suspects.
New ways of relating to the world- to self, others, and everything that comes in to your “inbox” and nervous system.
New understandings of what actually creates outcomes, including profit, while embracing a new P&L (unleashing People’s real potential & LOVE Limitless Omnipotent Vitality Emerging).
An end to the leader’s loneliness as a default to put up with.
A brotherhood-sisterhood of one for all & all for one- serving a greater good with valor, humility, grace and fun. Feeling joyfully proud and grateful for the privilege and party.
How to be masters of your own energy, ultimately leaders of a new way forward (for many we may or may not meet).
Finally feel different breakthroughs about limitations, patterns, hopes, dreams, possibilities you’ve had for years. A big leap/upgrade—not just fantasy someday.
If you could know there was nothing to earn or prove, that you are
infinitely-sourced, unconditionally loved and supported…
What would YOU love to be up to?
You are meant to be a new leader.
You are a rare bird, and something wants us to help you find your wings for the authentic success you are here to embody in the next phase of your journey! This requires an axial shift in inner rewiring and outer relationshipping & results skills; a new level of inner alchemy and outer abundance flowing. This only happens with a unique fusion of paradigm-leaving, pattern-interrupting practices and a new kind of compassionate and challenging support. New fuel, friends and fun, too. You are invited to a whole new school of thought in a possibility-shifting Champion Circle starting soon. It all starts with one new conversation that might just change the course of your life. Are you curious?
You don’t have to wait for the new book to come out, join our beta cohort & fuel a new way forward.
The way you’ve been taught to be happy in life & succeed in work is not working.
There is a better way! It’s time for a great shift.
You’ve been working hard.
Yet, ironically, still not in your natural joyzone or real potential all the way.
You deserve better and the world deserves the better you. Yes, you can wake up to the life & leadership you’re meant to love, sourced from a very different fuel and empowered by a new paradigm—not the usual leadership training, executive coaching, mindfulness or self-improvement motivation. A game-changing year to dramatically shift how you thrive in your world and maybe begin to rock our world toward a better future. This “new school” is the culmination of decades of research, testing and the privilege of 27 years working with bright leaders/complex human beings like you. The MLA is about unleashing your true power; not unhealthy power stereotypes, and not just a compromise of masculine-feminine, left-right brain, spiritual inner-pragmatic & outer business, but a new third emergence that is a greater, integrative, whole being & effective doing mastery.
Are you ready for an eye-opening, possibly life-changing conversation?
Why Are You Here?
You are a good-hearted, caring human being and positive growth-oriented leader, wanting to bring out the best in yourself and others. Well-intended advice, coaching, courses & consultants might have helped some, but you feel there’s something missing or something new knocking. If you slip into more clever busyness, then your true business (fulfillment & contribution) will never have a chance--so you and the lives you’re meant to touch will get cheated. My deepest heart wants you to finally get what you really need. A Higher LOVE wants to rule, so we’re building a new school. :-)
“I’m a totally different person.
I feel empowered to step outside of the old business norms and lead in a way that feels in line with my deep personal values and greater potential, rather than what society has ingrained in me. My boss and direct reports feel and love this difference and I’m excited to keep growing and evolving. - Laura Wensley, corporate VP
It all starts with you. Actually, deeply within you… not trying to improve things “out there” that ends up like re-prioritizing your to-do list, no matter how fancy the packaging. If we are ever going to wake up to the kind of lives, work teams, prosperity and wellness we say we want, it all reverse-engineers to a “root cause” inside of YOU. This is great news.
Imagine letting go of trying (starting to drain you more than energize you) and letting your authentic aliveness out to play.
We are conditioned to try to get our (or someone else’s, a company’s or culture’s) way, and end up stepping on our own garden hose, recycling disappointment or depletion. Please take a moment to ponder how this might show up for you.
It’s not easy to stop playing a game that had given us security and rewards.
It’s not easy to reverse the adaptive habit patterns from our early human-conditioning and societal programming.
I’m so humbled & happy to share how this new MLA cracks the code more than anything we’ve ever seen. We’re hearing positive feedback from bosses, boards, teams and spouses that inspire us to keep applying and developing this work more.
What if this could be the best time of your life to uninstall the hidden bugs in your inner operating system, reveal strengths and gifts only you can bring, and equip you with a whole new approach, in these unprecedented times of reinventing how we get to create true success.
Real abundance flows when we get out of the way and let a new way lead.
This requires a new kind of courage and maturity beyond our seeking pleasure & praise, avoiding pain norm. Paradoxically, this lion-hearted courage starts with humility, turning in your hero cape, uninstalling outdated programming and letting an infinite source of unconditional LOVE love you more.
A different dimension of you will rise & shine as an effective embodiment of the infinite energy wanting to express only through you. When asked, How on earth did you liberate your people from the most powerful empire? Gandhi said, “I empty myself and become an instrument.” This is how you’ll move mountains or just have better Mondays. :-) The MLA will equip you with the tools & champion fuel to functionally live this each day. This is not a get-rich-quick pep talk! It is indeed a new way of being, navigating, discerning and doing.
What do YOU need most now?
A Millennial leader shares,
“To future MLA clients my advice is to be open to Marian’s teaching methods and tools. During our first few months together, I would be late to our sessions, absorbed in trying to keep up with a busy work schedule, and questioning the value. I now have experienced the incredible value in my leadership and life, look forward to our calls, and consider them to be the most important business meeting of the week.”
You have an essential choice
to make now, more than ever. You can…
A) Keep settling for an insidious pattern of trying to do a good job & get happy in an outdated achiever paradigm (understandably so, from conditioned & culturally inherited norms, yet end up disheartened or...)
Or be willing to…
B) Learn a whole new way of mastery to shift your inner power, break free from old grooves, activate your authentic, inspired flow and feel great about who you are being and what you get to do.
How are you really feeling? You are meant to feel alive in your zone. What brings you joy is what you are here to bring. This is not warm fuzzy bullshit. But perhaps you keep trying to be good according to our inherited success paradigm and sneaky self-sabotage (you’re not fully aware of yet or how to change this), often with a smile on your face, while secretly knowing there’s something off or something else your soul feels called to.
We are here to meet you exactly where you are in a way that has you feel heard like never before, and SEE you for who you really are, and all that you’re meant to become.
Activate your great leaderShift from limiting patterns to liberating infinite potential.
Imagine an inspired leadership edge beyond old paradigm performance and beyond “purpose-driven” to re-programming the root cause of all desired results— a new I.T. Inner Technology mastery, activating & stabilizing the best in you and others.
Discover a renewable energy system for human sustainability and innovation in infinitely-sourced flow.
Energize better connections & creativity in you and everyone that matters to you, from a different orientation.
Are you curious?
What is the MLA Champion Circle structure?
A new year-long cohort is starting in early 2024. You’ll have private access to Marian and engage with a beta group of kindred spirits, co-creating making this the best support system for your evolving needs & goals.
When you join the Champion Circle you’ll have access to:
Individual “intake” discovery/design package and meeting with Marian.
Group masterclasses, Q&A 3x/ month.
Private VIP session with Marian monthly.
“Homework,” for relevant applications/practice/insights in your life, inspirational follow-up between sessions, champion-buddy texting & other options.
Resource hub, ebooks, recordings, other master teachers, Ted talks, etc.
Fun movies, music to inspire and move you, “download” messages for you, and more.
You care about bringing out the best in people, including yourself! You enjoy this human potential passion-purpose as a priority in your heart and your work.
Early adopter MLA kindred spirits are growth-positive leaders (corporate VP, President, Chairperson of board, managing partner, startup CEO). Millennials, GenX, modern elders- women & men, various fields and missions.
You are not “average.” You’re wired as a high achiever, helpful, caring, bright, creative. You have lots on your plate or might be spinning plates at times. Ironically, you could be overworked and underemployed, not fully in your joyzone flow or sharing your true gifts all the way yet.
You’re an open-minded, good-hearted human being that enjoys laughter & learning.
A part of you might feel you should be grateful for what you have, and keep up with doing a good job with what’s in front of you. Might you kinda settle and grin for the camera at times, when there’s something inside longing for feeling more authentic aliveness or a better way forward (but you don’t know how, so you check your phone, get seduced by the familiar and formerly winning norms, show up to the next Zoom screen and the beat goes on)?
You’d love to make a difference, make enough money, possibly be part of co-creating healthier, happier success & new leadership role modeling, feeling great about who you get to be as your Inspired Self.
You’re interested in deeper inner work to unleash greater potential and awesome outer results.
You’ve been trying to be/do good in your own unique version of inherited, insidious, adaptive, seeker-achiever patterns, that may reverse-engineer to a hidden old “ouch” from early childhood, etc.
You’re ready to shift from this programming running you to waking up to your greatest joy, effectiveness, etc.
You’re enthused to explore new approaches to meditation and other tools beyond left-brain thinking in new ways.
“I’ve seen remarkable shifts
and grown/stretched in key ways. A big part of this is answering (daily) the question 'What energy am I coming from?' It's mystical AND practical work and, over time, it trains new muscles, creates greater resilience, problem-solving capacity and creativity.” -Startup CEO, GenX (who exceeded his fundraising goal)
If you feel like something wants to emerge beyond the success advice or strategies you’ve tried, you’re right. Maybe you are weary of keeping up somehow, but you keep showing up because you want to be a good leader and “not let them down.” The paradox may be that you are letting them down with this pattern of adapting, rather than letting your authentically Inspired Self and infinite potential flow for you and them.
Are you open to looking under the hood and dare to be who you could be?
Slow down and inquire within. Is there something that longs for the next phase of your life & leadership to be different somehow? Ask from the depths of your heart, not your left brain or what anyone else thinks. There is a new way forward! Trying harder is not the solution, I promise. :-)
If you are willing to dive into authenticity, vulnerability, and an amazing mix of outrageous compassion and robust growth edges, then we can change your life, your leadership and the lives you get to change, for generations to come.
But don’t move the way fear makes you move.
- Rumi
Imagine what could be different with new pattern-busting tools, devoted advocates, brainstorm buddies, healthy challenges and confidential accountability support to help you BE and DO what’s wanting to express through you now more than ever. The new MLA is a unique synergy of philosophies & practices to help you gain mastery with inner energy optimized and effective outer flow operationalized. Consider inner deeper psyche alchemy, higher outer pragmatic leadership agility, emotional resilience, healthy relationship skills, imperative wellness fuel, meditation beyond popular mindfulness or shallow self-help, a bit of conscious capitalism, science-backed consciousness-shifting skills, and mystic spirituality woven together with love, humor and always-evolving learning.
Feel better. Lead better. Revitalize your authentic aliveness, relationships and hoped-for results.
Break FREE. Free to be magnificent; finally no longer seduced & shackled by all the distractions, doubts and layers of conditioned hobgoblins. Gain mastery over the pinball machine inside your brilliant brain.
Feel supercharged and humble simultaneously; more able to accomplish what matters, with the people & projects you care about most.
Elevate resilient response-agility amidst everything that comes your way (from email minutia to unexpected market changes to crucial meetings and beyond).
Stop bullshitting yourself or putting up with crap with more access to your healthy wisdom and empowered integrity.
Become more agile to create new solutions + innovations with more ease + flow.
Learn how to transform triggers into treasures for deepening trust, improving work flow and relationship harmony.
Be the kick-start of a tipping point— real breakthroughs about limitations, patterns, hopes, dreams, possibilities you may have suppressed somehow for years. To have that sense of game-changing, just-right support and right tribe.
Clear obstacles to wholehearted growth beyond the usual suspects or techniques.
Make a difference and make money. Discover ways to leverage Passion meets Profit you had not imagined before.
Communicate & collaborate better, coming from a deeper wellspring of compassion, confidence, clarity and curiosity.
Embody a kind of energy that enrolls others to bring their best.
Discern what truly belongs on your plate (and stop spinning plates), and what is not the optimal use of your talents & time, while unleashing potential in others.
Fuel Authentic flow; what really works for the real you. Leverage the essence of P.L.A.Y. (Potential Lighting up Authentic Yeses) vs. P.L.A.N., (Performance to Lists, mostly to Achieve Numbers) igniting new creativity in you and engaging others to want to play with you, all fueling better outcomes.
Blend inner peace & outer prosperity, divine surrender & data science, higher purpose & healthy productivity in an integrative business approach (like integrative medicine) to help you flourish forward with your unique needs and inspired desires.
Be pulled forward into your best future and new possibilities while feeling “we’ve got your back” infinite support.
Either you run the day or the day runs you.
-Jim Rohn
We’re so glad you are here.
We’ve been waiting for you. Come this way…
Are you game? Enrollment opens Fall, 2023.
I’ve had my own wake up calls and life-altering alchemy shape me to be a fierce catalyst for the new leaders I am meant to serve. As your devoted champion, I’ll show you how to break the spells that derail your true greatness and new ways to navigate inner rewiring and outer response-agility.
You’re being called into a radically different way
of revitalizing and revolutionizing your leadership.
What if your most important job is not what you think? Many well-intended efforts have been trying to solve the human happiness, success & leadership development game for a very long time.
Your real freedom breaks open when you realize most of that is trying to solve the wrong problem. It’s not your fault. It’s the default sucking you in. You are not meant to accidentally play small with formerly-winning strategies and inertia-influenced schedules. Are you ready to unplug from that norm and plug in to an infinite source of new possibility?
The MLA is here to liberate you.
For good.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world- as in being able to remake ourselves.
– Mahatma Gandhi
What clients are saying:
“Marian brings a unique and perfectly balanced blend of intuition and business savvy. I’m grateful for how she’s guided me to an extraordinary depth of understanding about myself and my inner workings, creating powerful commitment to focused action. My only wish is that I’d found this wisdom years ago!”- Julie Winkle Giulioni
“This effort culminated successfully in the creation of a new organization. Working with Marian has simply transformed my life.” - Robert Adducci
"With intriguing spiritual insights, down-to-earth humor, and pragmatic business sensibility, [this work] will have you believing that you can indeed wake up inspired, and equip you to create this as a daily reality." - Dr. Beverly Kaye
“When you're in a leadership position you're constantly building coalitions to create something from nothing with investors, team members, advisors and navigating a lot of complexity. If you're ready to stretch your bounds to really grow, Marian can help you get there with more joy, less stress and greater ease. She has distilled many careers worth of wisdom into a kind of 'seed crystal' for leaders ready to embrace all of the challenges and rewards of their own evolution. My team, my family and my partner are all beneficiaries! I highly recommend that you take advantage of this MLA.” - Luke Pustejovsky
"I was at the top of my game- nice VP title and shiny MBA. Spitting image of success. Smiling on the outside, I managed to conceal a big secret. I was unfulfilled, slave to my lists, subconsciously relying on them to make me look busy and important. Then I got one of those wake up calls... I felt as if I had transcended to a whole new level. That may sound dramatic, but my experience with Marian was nothing short of life changing." - Roberta Marstellar
Your Future Self is calling.
Are you still letting it go into voicemail?
I look forward to a new conversation with you soon.
I bow to your own journey of trying to get the right support to be all you can be. You may have felt a bit disheartened with typical programs in the past or there’s a new curiosity about a different approach and breakthroughs possible. Let’s see if we are meant to walk a new Yes together, as we actualize the Einstein quote, “You can’t solve problems with the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.”
art: Eric Klein
You are not meant to be keeping up with doing a good job on a trying treadmill in a dying paradigm. You are here to be waking up to your greatest potential and enjoy co-creating our fabulous future.
I sometimes forget
that I was created for Joy.
My mind is too busy.
My Heart is too heavy
for me to remember
that I have been
called to dance
the Sacred dance of life.
I was created to smile
To Love
To be lifted up
And to lift others up.
O’ Sacred One
Untangle my feet
from all that ensnares.
Free my soul.
That we might
and that our dancing
might be contagious.